Physiotherapy at Home in Delhi | Medicdost Your Health Partner

Physiotherapy at Home By Best Physiotherapist | HealthCare Services At Your Doorstep

Whether it’s a lingering back pain, a frozen shoulder, or a sports injury that you’re looking to recover from, you can now get treated in the comfort of your home, by certified, specialized and experienced physiotherapists.

Medicdost provides physiotherapy services at home that aim at alleviating pain in most medical conditions. Be it chronic disorders or acute illness or post surgery. We provide a protocol-led care plan administered by highly qualified personnel at the convenience of a patient’s home.

Our physiotherapists are skilled in the assessment and hands-on management of a broad range of conditions that affect the musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems

Who should go for physiotherapy?

The hassle-free solution of physiotherapy isn’t just for athletes or even for those recovering from an injury. It is for people of all ages who have experienced any kind of sprain, injury or muscular disorder; whether it’s a one year old or an 18 year old college student, an adult working in a corporate world or an elder Care person.

  • Neurological conditions

Stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, dystonia, chronic regional pain syndrome, guillain-barre syndrome, cerebral palsy, Bells palsy, myositis

  • Musculoskeletal disorders

Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, muscle strain, tendon strain, osteoarthritis, arthritis, poorly aligned joint, lupus, joint instability, bursitis, degenerative joints, age-related joint ailments

  • Soft tissue injuries

Golfers elbow, tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, whiplash, back & neck strain, rotator cuff injuries, tendinitis

  • Posture issue

Back pain, lower back pain, hypotonia, neck pain, frozen shoulder, muscle weakness, poor muscle tone, muscle imbalance, scapular instability

  • Recovery from surgery

Knee replacement surgery, hip replacement, athletic injury surgery, tendon surgery, ligament surgery, lymph node replacement, spinal cord injury surgery, reconstructive surgery

Our specilised packages:

  • Lower back pain >>

We offer a range of physiotherapy at home in Delhi for those suffering from lower and mechanical lower back pain problems.

  • Knee pain management service >>

We offer home-based physiotherapy for knee related problems like ACL injury, fractures, knee bursitis, and arthritis among others.

  • Pulmonary rehabilitation >>

Suffering from chronic respiratory conditions and ongoing lung diseases? We offer comprehensive home-based physiotherapy services in Delhi & NCR.

  • Stroke rehabilitation >>

To help you get back to routine life post heart surgery, stroke or partial and complete paralysis; we offer a range of physiotherapy services.

Benefits Of Physiotherapy Treatment At Home

Physiotherapy has over the years proved its effectiveness in helping patients in restoring their health and enhancing their physical strength, function and mobility. To further enhance your experience with physiotherapy, our Physiotherapists personally visit you and perform physiotherapy at home. Some of the benefits of getting physiotherapy at home include

  • Enables convenience
  • Provides personalized care
  • Brings about a faster healing process
  • No mobility issues
  • Better time management
  • Cost effective
  • Family support and supervision

If you are suffering from any of the conditions mentioned below, you can opt for physiotherapist at home in Delhi for long-term benefits With our affordable and accountable home services, say good bye to all your worries and hassles of physiotherapy treatment.

To learn more about becoming a physiotherapy assistant or associate please visit Medicdost where you will learn more about the field of physiotherapy. Or Call Us To Book Now +91-9650 102 102


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